remember these descriptions though fundamental prove of no value but if evaluation cuts in and you manage to fulfill work buildup in any of them they may pose significance
ago, time and choice::::=::::tabatha, space and destiny::::=::::babayaga, unconcious imagination::::=::::caballero, supreme inspiration, all stars::::=::::memeri, primal memory::::=::::prometheus, dark f. of prediction::::=::::messium, f. of cleaning::::=::::echidna, gambling one::::=::::ometeotl, f. of fixation::::=::::ooglymoogly, doppleganger of death and restrained reference::::=::::parap, of language, laughter and longing::::=::::paradox, f. of distinctive reassigning::::=::::paradise, pleasure::::=::::evatom, charity and residing hope and love::::=::::zahweh, argument-end to unending::::=::::robota, authority

anklaalkna, mindless retention::::=::::moodoom, affectation and arcane estimation, contemplation, investment::::=::::aktaatka, pretense of one plurality::::=::::assa, repeated potential::::=::::murdrum, eliminative coherence, keeping of a sum::::=::::fasaf, effacement of challenge::::=::::faraf, grinding inspiration, atoms::::=::::wuduw, holding one impact, adding it all up::::=::::anda loose capacity::::=::::masam, effacement in service::::=::::malam, effacement in balance::::=::::weldlew, holding one thing to another, anima::::=::::wurbruw, each little and greater impact::::=::::vuruv, loose expression, abandonment and virility::::=::::viriv, pitched strength, inventor of Sakr 101

Tsrakarst f. of delicacy of reoccurence, productivity::::=::::Ododo, f. of strength in every little bit added up to the whole::::=::::Onono, f. of strength in all, just as is::::=::::Ototo, f. of averaging does not have to do with sleep::::=::::Xumux, comparer of all::::=::::Hogoh, charm of returns::::=::::Enbenbe, the certifying::::=::::Xilpmiy, finder of parts in the fascinating::::=::::Fargraf, processor in forces::::=::::Odrodro, f. of sacrifice, separate from destiny::::=::::Targrat, f. of need for all or not, mindless, of that exact quality, to evidence minding::::=::::Xakfax, speed

{11}::::=::::Quafuaq, a point, less our comprehension::::=::::Edede, of stability and mundaneness::::=::::Forstof, law::::=::::Furuf, f. of fulfillment::::=::::Formof, rote::::=::::Cashwac, or Qualuaq, f. of youth, love the devouring::::=::::Erere, genius::::=::::Aguaga or mind, in accomplishment::::=::::Fogof, the force known as a mirror::::=::::Flanalf, extensor, force and holder in change{it initialized the creation of angels}

17...F of FC: Surus, force of the otherwordly sense of absolvement and unscrambling and easy relatinĝ::::=::::Rester,the trickster force, of slight to great movement::::=::::Pikip,, is next, force of belonging::::=::::Arora, force of the worship of all minds, originator of this seeming similarity to psychology::::=::::Kuluk, principle is a force::::=::::Puzup, the f. of undoing of confusion::::=::::Talat, of making copies::::=::::Lamal, the least pricing force, thus::::=:::: Taxat, the price in having:::=::::Surbfrus is price in energy::::=::::Pinip, laying in of emotion::::=::::Shamash, lessening of emotions::::=::::Workrow, emotion::::=::::Rubur, tolerance, both physical and spiritual::::=::::Rivir, traction::::=::::Linil, things in rows::::=::::Wendnew, care of having, Creator or Creatrix of experience, which to whit is in wit also transferred to Kuluk-it made Wurgonna

18 F of FCr; the first of these is Ropor, a force defined as Withholding::::=::::Kuysnuk, of first reference::::=::::Punzlup, fusion, an intimately secretive force::::=::::Mothom, holding::::=::::Mutum, the force of freezing, gripping and untold mention::::=::::Almthalmtha, force of acclaim, shrouded in deep stellar secrecy::::=::::Atratra, recognition, seeks to cue one to betterment::::=::::Quamuaq, the secret of categories, is trans-incarnation::::=::::Amtratra, utter gain, is the next force::::=::::Agnanga, insistence, is entirely resistant to the presence of things not easy::::=::::Koordook, Amtsratsra, force of utter loss, covers most of the Universe,verily, it is a peace of the inevitable: calculating loss::::=::::Asratarsa, bland delight::::=::::Relvmer, religious prevarication::::=::::Tuput, sensate abstraction::::=::::Turut, sensate abstraction and yet then, yes, still in or within, mnemonics::::=::::Tuzut, is next, electrocircuitousness::::=::::Tulut, resignment, exists and provides safety::::=::::Azuza, mind in respect, holds attention for some despite prejudice, predetermination and preordained opinion::::

The 14 ffc:>>-Ama, pressure in an open system, no one describes as much of the surrounding::::=::::Apa, inhibition, measures personal witness::::=::::Otretro, will, is the 3rd force of 14, is strongly giving, and is bound up with being the energies forever::::=::::Apla, of wrestling, has no other effect to describe what it is::::=::::the 5th is Fithnif, hold of the reflexes, which binds life and death to existence in patterns of reaction::::=::::Then, Inani, anana, of relent::::=::::Atna, the breath of relexes, concerned with life and death and the decisiveness to change::::=::::Eprepre, causal and casual incidence of the vicinity::::=::::Orlmo, of the hold of fast judgement::::=::::Atma, of supreme fluidity and speed::::=::::Olzo, fast concluding::::=::::Olpzo, emotive influence, of the various blockings, brakings, delayings and speeding up of these that are emotions::::=::::Fragmarf, hold of the reactors::::=::::Amazama, force of fusion and confusion

Achsa, the pure root of death::::=::::Èthre, force of necessity::::=::::Autrua, success at whatever means nècessary::::=:::Oojtroo, study::::=::::Puylmup, f. of freeing from, up, into and without meaning::::=::::Dimsid, identification, esp. in terms of death, history, etc.::::=::::Primirp, recovery, in secret in a monumental way

::::=::::the eight forces of 1st kreation::::=::::Mulgum, which a force with the grand contention to remember words::::=::::Irmi, the insetting::::=::::Majzram, of occult surroundings::::=::::4th, Aztutza, the bewildering, which to whit has a bet on preservation and chances::::=::::then, Akoka, following::::=::::Azkekza, enlightenment::::=::::Olpro, the cuddling in counting and courting force, cunning one::::=::::8th is Othro, removal and it initialized life-makers::::=::::

::::=::::the 10 f.s::::=::::Oblablo, knowing, inhabits a guise of suspense that washes away the agonies of worry::::=::::Ibidna, of rapid unconcious, surely a trickster you will come across::::=::::Ororo, the diminishing::::=::::Aljta, force of holding::::=::::Afinifa, retaining one, of one or a fraction less of a grasp, is a primordial solution::::=::::Imfri, of specific resistance::::=::::Murspum, the freedom inherent::::=::::Gooloog, of distinct abstraction::::=::::Malskam, of comparing knowledge::::=::::Inmimni of specifying::::=::::they initialized puzzles::::

::::=::::the 9 forces::::=::::suprus meaning clarity with the alternate and safe only for the highly skilled highly ambitious and omnisciently driven quality of telepathy::::=::::Alta, the foce of pleasure, has the dark, dangerous quality of telekinesis::::=::::Avuva the f. and defin. of fond and unfond gathering, has in it's less and more worse nature the premise of predicting hypnotic control::::=::::ozrorzo the force of pretense has to it's least side psionics::::=::::amuma the f. & defin. valor bet for the betting has to a lessening hypnotic control::::=::::alma of dismissal has a darkbside of personal imagination::::=::::then Burub of honor, resisting and willpower has to unfulfillment teleportation::::=::::ishtishti, force of pretense of all and everything has to an unaccented side intent modulation, an aspect described as instinctual finesses of trembling, purified::::=::::finally, the 137th force Suxus f. and d. of honesty, has a grey side of this which is projection::::=::::